Pet Urine Detector – Ultraviolet Blacklight Flashlight By Ultra Light – Discover Dog And Cat Stains


Product Features

  • Reveals Pet Urine In Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Fabrics, And Hardwood Floors
  • Shows Holograms In Driver’s Licenses And ID Cards
  • Safely Spot Scorpions Without Endangering Yourself
  • Blacklight Flashlights Will Be A Hit At EDM Concerts
  • Bright UV Blacklight Reveals What You Have Been Missing

2 Replies to “Pet Urine Detector – Ultraviolet Blacklight Flashlight By Ultra Light – Discover Dog And Cat Stains”

  1. Relieved that it wasn’t a waste of money I was able to see dog urine spots on the carpet that I had no idea were there. Some of the older spots that I knew were there did not show up. I shined the light on the spot as I cleaned it and you could see it disappear. I could see how much urine splashes back out of the toilet. It was all around the base and floor around the toilet and even on the cabinet over the toilet. Close the lid when you flush (which we have done for years) and and see if you can get your man to sit down when he pees…

  2. Think you got head lice? This light works great! Don’t shine it in your bathroom!!!! Well, our children’s school came down with lice……so if that’s why you are reading this review, you’re not alone! So, knowing that some critters like scorpions glow under black light we did some digging and looks like lice do too. So we ordered this light, and waited for a couple days (it actually was delivered very quickly thank goodness) with that slightly tingly itching feeling you get whenever you think you are being parasitized by creepy crawlies. I’m a biologist and insects and buggy…

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